Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Monika Heiner, Professor at University of Cottbus/Germany, visited MExICofrom September 15 through October 15, 2013.

  • Estibaliz Fraca, PhD student from Zaragossa, visited MExICofrom november 2012 trough February 2013.

  • From 7 to 19 January 2013, Paul Gastin and Aiswarya Cyriac (LSV) visit K. Narayan Kumar and Madhavan Mukund at CMI Chennai. They studied verification problems for concurrent and recursive multi-threaded programs.

  • 13 May to 1 June 2013: Madhavan Mukund (CMI) visits LSV, IRISA.

  • 8 to 29 June K. Narayan Kumar (CMI) visits LSV, LaBRI. The study verification problems for concurrent and recursive multi-threaded programs was pursued.

  • 16 June to 30 June 2013: Saivasan Prakash (CMI) visits LSV and LIAFA. Discussions with Ahmed Bouajjani on Verification of networks of Communicating Recursive Processes. Joint work with M.F.Atig (Uppsala) and manuscript based on this work is under preparation.

  • 25 May to 20 July 2013: Bharat Adsul (IIT Bombay) visits LSV and LaBRI to work on cascade products of asynchronous automata.

  • Gonzalo Amadio
    • Subject: Diagnosis of Stochastic Systems

    • Date: from Apr 2013 until Jul 2013

    • Institution: Universidad National de Rosario (Argentina)

  • Siddharth Krishna
    • Subject: Multiple Context Free Grammars

    • Date: from May 19, 2013 until June 15, 2013

    • Institution: Chennai Mathematical Institute, India

Visits to International Teams

  • Thomas Chatain visited

    • Lucia Pomello and Luca Bernardinello at University of Milano-Bicocca for one week in February 2013,

    • Humboldt Universität Berlin for the KOSMOS-Workshop (November 28-30, 2013)

  • 4 to 19 December 2013: Paul Gastin and Aiswarya Cyriac (LSV) visit CMI. With K. Narayan Kumar, they completed the study of verification problems via split-width for concurrent recursive multi-threaded programs (a paper is in preparation). With Madhavan Mukund, they started working on statistical analysis of asynchronous systems.

  • Stefan Haar visited

    1. Technische Universitä Berlin in for five days in March 2013 and three days in November 2013 for seminar talks and technical cooperation,

    2. Humboldt Universität Berlin for the KOSMOS-Workshop (Nov. 28-30)

    3. University of Newcastle (UK) June 10-12 and Sep.16-20,

    4. Bucarest Polytechnic (RO) May 29 to June 1, giving a course on verification within the CAN'TI summer school, and

    5. University of Cordoba (Argentina) as an invited professor, from Oct 27 to Nov 1.

  • Serge Haddad

  • Hernán Ponce de Léon visited University of Cordoba (Argentina) for two weeks in October/November.

  • César Rodríguez visited Victor Khomenko at the University of Newcastle for one week in May.

  • Stefan Schwoon visited the group of Javier Esparza at the Technical University of Munich for two weeks in February.